/ Information
Marikit, also known as Maria Hermosa, was born on September 900AD. She was said to have been born from bamboo and as an adult, but she did not know how to speak. In reality, she was found in an Isu lab called KALUWALHATIAN. She was in suspended animation in a stasis tube with the label "3n-312Gy".It seems that she was supposed to be one of a few, but was the only one left. She did not speak and had no recollection of anything prior to being suspended in the stasis tube.She lived amongst humans as a human, but they noted her unusual ability to sense what could not be seen or known---which we now call the Eagle Vision. This earned her the title of diwata or anito from the locals, and was treated as a living god amongst man.Marikit returned to the Isu lab she was found in, and found her signature weapons: dual fans she named Amihan and Habagat. She lived amongst them for centuries, until eventually clashing with the Spanish colonizers in the 16th century. They sought glory, gold, and god---in this case both to spread Christianity and to search for Isu artifacts---in the islands. She soon learned that some of these conquistadors were part of a secret society and called themselves Templars.Her clash with them resulted in the massacre with her people. Eventually, she went on an exile to save them, but the Spanish tried to murder her for not giving them what they wanted, and proceeded to burn villages in search of lost Isu artifacts.In her exile, she came across similar artifacts to her fans. When she learned what they were, and what they could do, she promptly headed to Spain to strike at the heart of her people's abusers.
/ Database
KALUWALHATIAN --- Name of an Isu laboratory found under Mount Makiling, Laguna, Philippines. It contained various scientific researches and advancements like Marikit's battle fans and the stasis tubes that once contained Isu-human hybrids like her. It also contained another stasis tube, albeit empty, with the label 3n-T120Py, which suggested that they were made at the same time.
AMIHAN AND HABAGAT --- Dual fans made by the Isus Tabu and Bulan-Hari.
3n-T120Py --- Unlike Marikit, he has been awake for many years before her. But like her, he awoke without memories. He discovered documents about his origins called PROJECT 3N.
PROJECT 3N --- A project referring to the transfer of the Isu conscience to artificial bodies that combined Isu and human DNA. There are supposed to be many, but only three whose names have been uncorrupted: 3n-312Gy, 3n-T120Py, and 3n-T14a7Py.
/ Statistics
/ Behind the Scenes